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THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2014-06-03 14:14:52
Title: deb ther sngon po
Language of title: Tibetan
Title in other language: Blue Annals
Other language: English
Author/Creator: Gö Lotsāwa Zhönnupel (’Gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal), 1392-1481

Description: deb ther sngon po (The Blue Annals) is a highly-regarded history of Tibetan Buddhist lineages and sectarian traditions. It is remarkable for its ecumenical perspective and comprehensiveness. Author, Gölo Zhönnupel ('gos lo gzhon nu dpal, 1392-1481) composed this work in only a few years, completing it in 1476 at age 84. (Jann Ronis 2004-07-16)

Publisher Place: si khron
Publisher: Sichuan Minorities Publishing House
Normalized publisher place: Chengdu, Sichuan
Publisher country: China
Published Date: 1984

Published Date Note: 1986 printing.

Extent: 2 v. ; 21 cm.
Subject: Tibetan History
Tibetan religion
Gölo Zhönnupel ('gos lo gzhon nu dpal; 1392-1481)
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Historical Literature -- Histories
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Tibetan Buddhist Sectarian Literature -- Kagyü (bka' brgyud)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- History -- Religious History
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Historical Literature -- Religious Histories
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Historical Literature -- Annals
Cultural Coverage: India
Tibet and Himalayas
Central Asia
Temporal coverage: 6th century CE
7th century CE
8th century CE
9th century CE
10th century CE
11th century CE
12th century CE
13th century CE
14th century CE
15th century CE
Original Language: Tibetan
Language: Tibetan

Other Editions: The Blue Annals: English translation..

Relation: ResourceId 385
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Book (single author)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-07-16 14:24:51
Date Record Checked: 2004-03-18
Date Last Modified: 2014-06-03 14:15:27
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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