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Religious Life and History of the Emanated Heart-son Thukse Dawa Gyeltshen
This article sketches the biography of Dawa Gyeltsen (zla ba rgyal mtshan, 1499-1587), son of Tertön Pema Lingpa (gter ston pad ma gling pa, 1450-1521), based on several oral sources and the written ...
The Historical Anecdotes of Kheng Nobilities
This article relies manly on oral sources in order to trace the history of the Kheng noble clans of Bhutan, including the Dung (gdung), Koche (kho che), Gadpo (rgad po), and Pönpo (dpon po). The poli...
Origins of the Bumchu (bum chu) of Drakar Tashiding (brag dkar bkra shis sdings)
This article traces the history of the Bumchu (bum chu, water vase) which is kept at Tashiding (bkra shis sdings) monastery in Sikkim. The vase is said to have been used by Padmasambhava...
Kaḥ thog pa bSod nams rGyal mtshan (1466-1540) and His Activities in Sikkim and Bhutan
This article explores the life of Katokpa Sönam Gyeltsen (kaḥ thog pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan) based on his autobiography titled Dri med yid bzhin nor bu'i phreng ba (Rosary of Stainless W...
Birds in the Egg and Newborn Lion Cubs: Metaphors for the Potentialities and Limitations of 'All-at-once' Enlightenment
This article looks at the early uses of two metaphors for enlightenment, a bird still in the egg and a newborn lion, as well as later controversies surrounding the use and meaning of these metaphors. ...
The Jo nang pas: A School of Buddhist Ontologists according to the Grub mtha' šel gyi me loṅ
Ruegg here translates the sixth chapter of the History of Philosophical Doctrines (Grub mtha' shel gyi me long) written by Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma (1737-1802) and completed in 180...
Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge
In this article van der Kuijp compares Tibetan sources for the history of the royal family of Degé (sde dge). Two biographies written by a monk named Ugyenpa (u rgyan pa) in 1295 and 1304 respectivel...
The 1413 Ming Embassy to Tsong-kha-pa and the Arrival of Byams-chen Chos-rje Shākya Ye-shes at the Ming Court
This brief article traces a Ming mission to Tibet and Nepal in 1413 by looking at several primary sources. During the mission, the envoy, Hou Hsien, had audience with Tsongkhapa (tsong kha pa), in res...
Three texts on madhyamaka
Needs description. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-09-15)
Life of the Fifth Dalai Lama
This work is an English translation of the Tibetan biography of the Fifth Dalai Lama. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-09-15)
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