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The Historical Anecdotes of Kheng Nobilities
This article relies manly on oral sources in order to trace the history of the Kheng noble clans of Bhutan, including the Dung (gdung), Koche (kho che), Gadpo (rgad po), and Pönpo (dpon po). The poli...
Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar – A Case Study: Grammatical Analysis of the Term Pratītya–samutpāda
This article compares the grammatical analysis of the Sanskrit term pratītya-samutpāda by Tibetans during the first (8th-9th centuries) and second (13th-14th centuries) translation periods. T...
Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge
In this article van der Kuijp compares Tibetan sources for the history of the royal family of Degé (sde dge). Two biographies written by a monk named Ugyenpa (u rgyan pa) in 1295 and 1304 respectivel...
Origins of the Bumchu (bum chu) of Drakar Tashiding (brag dkar bkra shis sdings)
This article traces the history of the Bumchu (bum chu, water vase) which is kept at Tashiding (bkra shis sdings) monastery in Sikkim. The vase is said to have been used by Padmasambhava...
The Jo nang pas: A School of Buddhist Ontologists according to the Grub mtha' šel gyi me loṅ
Ruegg here translates the sixth chapter of the History of Philosophical Doctrines (Grub mtha' shel gyi me long) written by Thu'u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma (1737-1802) and completed in 180...
The ‘Vision’ of rDzogs-Chen: A Text and its Histories
This article traces the history of a text titled Zhus lan bdud rtsi sman mchog as a way of examining the relationship between the Nyingmapa (rnying ma pa) teacher Lhodrak Drupchen (lho brag gru...
Sūtra-style Consecration in Tibet and its Importance for Understanding the Historical Development of the Indo-Tibetan Consecration Ritual for Sūtra and Images
This article discusses the consecration ritual (rab gnas cho ga) of Tibetan Buddhism in which images, stūpas (mchod rten), and other objects are ritually transformed into objects of worship. Co...
Tibetan Sciences at the Court of the Great Khans
Beckwith demonstrates in this article that the Mongol rulers favored Tibetan lamas at their courts because of their skill in the fields of medicine, astrology, and letters. The willingness and ability...
རྣལ་འབྱོར་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་རྒྱ་མཚོར་འཇུག་པའི་གྲུ་གཟིངས། (rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru gzings/)
This fourteenth-century text by Butön Rinchendrup, one of Tibet's greatest scholars, is a detailed introduction to the system of tantra known as Yoga Tantra. It includes a presentation and discussion...
Three texts on madhyamaka
Needs description. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-09-15)
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