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Indo-Tibetan Schools of Art and Architecture in the Western Himalaya: The Instance of Ribba in Kinnaur
This paper looks at how Tibetan and Indian architectural styles combined in the Western Himalaya, taking the Lo tsA ba lha khang of Ribba as an example. The temple's structure and sculptures ar...
Buddhist Art and Tibetan Patronage. PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000
This is a volume of nine papers on Tibetan and Buddhist art from the proceedings of the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies held in Leiden in the year 2000. The papers d...
Gsar du rnyed pa'i khrom chen rdo ring yi ge'i mtsham sbyor
This paper discusses the inscriptions on an ancient Tibetan stone pillar. The inscriptions, which are transcribed in the paper followed by some explanatory notes, offer insight into the history of Tib...
The Lhan kar ma as a Source for the History of Tantric Buddhism
A study attempting to ascertain more clearly which texts, particularly tantric texts, were translated into Tibetan in the eighth and ninth centuries. The author compares several source materials inclu...
A Comparative Study of Esoteric Buddhist Manuscripts and Icons Discovered at Dun-huang
This paper examines the relationship of esoteric texts and paintings discovered at Dunhuang in northwest China to the various Buddhist sects and traditions that existed before the later transmission (...
Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar – A Case Study: Grammatical Analysis of the Term Pratītya–samutpāda
This article compares the grammatical analysis of the Sanskrit term pratītya-samutpāda by Tibetans during the first (8th-9th centuries) and second (13th-14th centuries) translation periods. T...
The Historical Anecdotes of Kheng Nobilities
This article relies manly on oral sources in order to trace the history of the Kheng noble clans of Bhutan, including the Dung (gdung), Koche (kho che), Gadpo (rgad po), and Pönpo (dpon po). The poli...
A Tibetan Antiquarian in the XVIIIth Century
This article looks at the figure of Katok Rikdzin Tsewang Norbu (kaḥ thog rig ’dzin tshe dbang nor bu, 1698-1755) who in his writings displayed a concern for primary source material such as old Ti...
Small Units in the Territorial Division of the Tibetan Empire (7th-9th Century)
Description to be added.
Old Tibetan Documents Online
Old Tibetan Documents Online (OTDO) is a corpus of selected old (7th to 10th centuries) Tibetan texts: Dunhuang manuscripts, inscriptions, and related materials. It provides critically edited texts to...
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