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THL Title Text
Title: Buddhism & science : breaking new ground
Language of title: English
Editor: B. Alan Wallace

Description: This volume contains contributions from prominent Buddhists, scholars, physicists, neurologists, and others on topics where Buddhism and the sciences share common ground. The book is divided into three sections covering the history of encounters between Buddhism and science, the interface between the cognitive sciences and Buddhism, and issues related to Buddhism and the physical sciences. Authors ask penetrating questions on, for example, the ethics of cross-cultural meditation research, the possibility of a "contemplative science," the mind-body problem, the question of evolution and human evil, lucid dreaming, the nature of the self, and the limits of inquiry in Buddhism and quantum theory. (Zach Rowinski 2004-05-17)

Contributor: B. Alan Wallace
Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-
William L. Ames
Michel Bitbol
José Ignacio Cabezón, 1956-
Natalie Depraz
David Ritz Finkelstein, 1929-
David Galin
Piet Hut, 1952-
Geshé Tupten Jinpa (dge bshes thub bstan sbyin pa)
Stephen LaBerge
Victor Mansfield, 1941-
Ricard, Matthieu
Francisco J. Varela, 1946-
William S. Waldron, 1954-
Anton Zeilinger
Publisher Place: New York
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Normalized publisher place: New York, NY
Publisher country: United States
Publisher URL:
Published Date: 2003
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/catalog/data/023112/0231123345.HTM
Extent: xvi, 444 p. ; 24 cm.
Subject: Dalai Lama
Buddhist philosophy
Meditation research
Science of mind
Natural selection
Cross-cultural dialogue
Cognitive science
Brain plasticity
Quantum mechanics
Quantum theory
Lucid dreaming
Dream yoga
Contemplative science
Classification: Buddhism and Science
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Neuroscience
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Emptiness/Dependent Origination
Series Title: Columbia Series in Science and Religion
Series editor: Robert E. Pollack
Richard Bulliet
Roald Hoffman
Ryuichi Abe

Table of Contents: Introduction: Buddhism and science--breaking down the barriers / B. Alan Wallace -- Pt. 1 Historical context : Buddhism and science: on the nature of the dialogue / José Ignacio Cabezón ; Science as an ally or a rival philosophy? Tibetan Buddhist thinkers' engagement with modern science / Thupten Jinpa -- pt. 2 Buddhism and the Cognitive Sciences : Understanding and transforming the mind / His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama ; The concepts "self", "person'', and "I'' in Western psychology and in Buddhism / David Galin ; Common ground, common cause: Buddhism and science on the afflictions of Identity / William S. Waldron ; Imagining: embodiment, phenomenology, and transformation / Francisco J. Varela and Natalie Depraz ; Lucid dreaming and the yoga of the dream state: A psychophysiological perspective / Stephen LaBerge ; On the relevance of a contemplative science / Matthieu Ricard -- pt. 3 Buddhism and the physical sciences : Emptiness and quantum theory / William L. Ames ; Time and impermanence in middle way Buddhism and modern physics / Victor Mansfield ; A cure for metaphysical illusions: Kant, quantum mechanics and madhyamaka / Michel Bitbol ; Emptiness and relativity / David Ritz Finkelstein ; Encounters between Buddhist and quantum epistemologies / Anton Zeilinger ; Conclusion: Life as a laboratory / Piet Hut ; Appendix: A history of the Mind and Life Institute ; Index

ISBN/ISSN: 0231123345 (cloth : alk. paper), 0231123353 (pbk. : alk. paper)
LOC: 2002031502
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)

Published reviews: See Breaking New Ground by Susan Blackmore.

Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-05-17 10:06:19
Date Record Checked: 2004-05-17
Date Last Modified: 2006-11-04 04:13:07
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating (Based on 1 response.)
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