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Closer to truth : science, meaning, and the future
Closer to Truth is a series on PBS television looking at some of the most challenging and important advances and discoveries in science. Hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, the show brings in promi...
External, internal, and nondual space
This paper, by B. Alan Wallace, is based on a lecture he gave at the 26th Mystics and Science Conference at King Alfred's College, WInchester, England on April 13, 2003. The abstract of the paper is b...
MeaningofLife.tv, hosted by science writer Robert Wright, asks prominent thinkers from a variety of different areas such as biology, psychology, physics, theology, philosophy, and the Buddhist and Isl...
Cosmic design from a Buddhist perspective
The Buddhist view of the origin of the universe is discussed. One of the basic tenets of Buddhism is the concept of interdependence which says that all things exist only in relationship to others, and...
Integral Institute
The aim of the Integral Institute is the bring together of a full range of disciplines- the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, neurology, ecology), art, ethics, religion, psychology, polit...
Integral naked
Integral Naked is a multimedia portal illuminating an integrated approach to life and living. Included are conversations, performances, live broadcasts of influential, provocative, and important think...
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS)
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences is a non-profit organization seeking to foster dialogue and research between modern scientific disciplines and the world's religions. (Zach Rowinski 20...
Piet Hut's home page
Piet Hut is a Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study. His work focusses mainly on astrophysics, but he also actively pursues research in geology, paleontology, gen...
Science, religion, and the human experience
From 2001 to 2003, the University of California, Santa Barbara hosted several prominent scholars, philosophers, and scientists in a series of lectures devoted to the relation between science, religion...
Mind and Life Institute
The Mind and Life Institute was created as a result of communication between the Dalai Lama and Western scientists interested in pursuing the interface between science and Buddhism. Since 1987 the Min...
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