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Toward an evolution of mind : implications for the faithful
This article provides a contemporary understanding of the human mind according to the viewpoint of sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. The author outlines the principles of natural selection as ...
MeaningofLife.tv, hosted by science writer Robert Wright, asks prominent thinkers from a variety of different areas such as biology, psychology, physics, theology, philosophy, and the Buddhist and Isl...
Investigating the mind [videorecording] : session 1 : attention & cognitive control
On a September weekend in 2003 at M.I.T., psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers met with the Dalai Lama and Buddhists scholars to discuss Buddhist and scientific perspectives on attention, ...
Buddhism and science : on the nature of the dialogue
Buddhist scholar José Cabezón looks at the history of the dialogue between Buddhism and science. He outlines the way Buddhism has been an object of scientific investigation in various ways and the e...
Scandalous ethics : infinite presence with suffering
Below is the author's own abstract of an essay included in the book Between Ourselves: Second-person Issues in the Study of Consciousness. This book is actually a special issue of the Journa...
Value and meaning in Gestalt psychology and Mahayana Buddhism
This chapter seeks to establish connections Western psychological and Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the area of ethics and value. In the face of how values have varied widely and changed greatly...
The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR)
The purpose of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion is to pursue important issues in science, medicine, ethics, economics, and other areas through scholarship and interdisciplinary dialogu...
Empathy and human experience
Philosopher of mind Evan Thompson provides a model for a methodologically and ethically mature science of consciousness using "first-person" (introspective) methods to understand the mind and human ex...
Understanding our fundamental nature
This essay was penned by the Dalai Lama in response to conversations with Western scientists, philosophers, and psychologists and others during a conference in 1995. He argues that without coming to s...
Visions of compassion : western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature
Visions of Compassion arose out of the 1995 Mind and Life conference entitled "Altruism, Ethics, and and Compassion." The meeting brought together the Dalai Lama with Western neuroscientists, p...
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