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Wisdom traditions and the ways of reduction
The book On Becoming Aware seeks a disciplined and practical approach to exploring human experience. While much of the book draws its inspiration from the phenomenological theories of Husserl,...
On becoming aware : a pragmatics of experiencing
Drawing its main source of inspiration from a naturalized interpretation of Husserlian phenomenology, On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing attempts to examine closely the nature of e...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Tangles and webs
Tangles and Webs, by Buddhist scholar in the Theravāda tradition Padmasiri De Silva, uses existential philosophy and the psychoanalytic tradition to interpret and understand Buddhist teachings...
Investigating the mind [videorecording] : session 1 : attention & cognitive control
On a September weekend in 2003 at M.I.T., psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers met with the Dalai Lama and Buddhists scholars to discuss Buddhist and scientific perspectives on attention, ...
Role of responsibility in daseinanalysis and Buddhism
Daseinsanalysis (also known as existential therapy) is a type of therapy used in clinical psychology and psychiatry developed by Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss. Boss, a student of German philosopher M...
The gesture of awareness : an account of its structural dynamics
This article proposes a description of the structural dynamics of the act of becoming aware based on the phenomenological method of épochè (or reduction), but also incorporating observations from ps...
Buddhism and western psychology
Buddhism and Western Psychology represents one of the early volumes to contain reflections on the interface between Buddhism and psychology from a diverse and expert group of Western Buddhist s...
Paying attention to consciousness
Within the interdisciplinary study of consciousness in the cognitive sciences and philosophy, the author argues for greater emphasis on the study of attention. Drawing upon biological, psychological, ...
Francisco Varela (1946-2001) : filling the mind--brain gap : a life adventure
One of the most eminent neuroscientists recently passed away in Paris. Professor Francisco Varela was a scholar that approached science with a remarkably broad and integrative perspective, deeply cont...
For Francisco Varela : explorer of the phenomenal world
Francisco Varela was an innovative thinker and researcher as well as a pioneer in the present dialog between science and Buddhism. In this essay, the author first speaks briefly about some of Francisc...
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