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MeaningofLife.tv, hosted by science writer Robert Wright, asks prominent thinkers from a variety of different areas such as biology, psychology, physics, theology, philosophy, and the Buddhist and Isl...
Closer to truth : science, meaning, and the future
Closer to Truth is a series on PBS television looking at some of the most challenging and important advances and discoveries in science. Hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, the show brings in promi...
Susan Blackmore's home page
Susan Blackmore has conducted research in and published on a variety of areas of inquiry including consciousness studies, the paranormal, neuroscience, psychology, Zen meditation, lucid dreaming, and ...
Toward an evolution of mind : implications for the faithful
This article provides a contemporary understanding of the human mind according to the viewpoint of sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. The author outlines the principles of natural selection as ...
Integral naked
Integral Naked is a multimedia portal illuminating an integrated approach to life and living. Included are conversations, performances, live broadcasts of influential, provocative, and important think...
The evolving mind : Buddhism, biology, and consciousness
The Evolving Mind, written by practicing Buddhist and biologist Robin Cooper, looks at the question of the how life progressed over time through biological and eventually cultural evolution to ...
Integral Institute
The aim of the Integral Institute is the bring together of a full range of disciplines- the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, neurology, ecology), art, ethics, religion, psychology, polit...
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS)
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences is a non-profit organization seeking to foster dialogue and research between modern scientific disciplines and the world's religions. (Zach Rowinski 20...
The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR)
The purpose of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion is to pursue important issues in science, medicine, ethics, economics, and other areas through scholarship and interdisciplinary dialogu...
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Buddhism & science : breaking new ground
This volume contains contributions from prominent Buddhists, scholars, physicists, neurologists, and others on topics where Buddhism and the sciences share common ground. The book is divided into thre...
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