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THL Title Text
Title: Buddhism and western psychology
Language of title: English
Editor: Nathan Katz

Description: Buddhism and Western Psychology represents one of the early volumes to contain reflections on the interface between Buddhism and psychology from a diverse and expert group of Western Buddhist scholars, psychologists, and Asian Buddhists. Fourteen essays are organized according to four major Buddhist traditions: (1) Pāli Buddhism; (2) Japanese Buddhism; (3) Sanskrit (Mahāyāna) Buddhism; and (4) Tibetan Buddhism. Areas of Western influence come from psychoanalysis, Jungian psychology, German phenomenology and the related field of existential psychology or "daseinanalyse." (Zach Rowinski 2005-03-10)

Contributor: Herbert V. Guenther
Richard DeMartino
Nathan Katz
Chogyam Trungpa 1939-
Rune Edvin Anders Johansson, 1918
George R. Elder
Jan T. Ergardt
Peter Masefield
Mukusen Miyuki
Padmasiri de Silva, 1933-
Akihisa Kondō
Steve Heine, 1950-
Gustavo Banavides
Stephen Kaplan
Publisher Place: Boulder, CO
Publisher: Prajñā Press
Normalized publisher place: Boulder, CO
Publisher country: United States
Published Date: 1983
Subject: Dzokchen (rdzogs chen)
Jungian psychology
Existential psychology
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Tibetan Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Vajrayāna Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Contemplative Practices -- Dzokchen (rdzogs chen)
Buddhism and Science -- Related Humanities -- Philosophy -- Modern Philosophy -- Phenomenology
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy -- Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy -- Existential Analysis/Dasein Analysis
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Contemplative Practices -- Zen Meditation/Zazen
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Zen/Ch’an Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- Related Humanities -- Philosophy -- Modern Philosophy -- Existential Philosophy
Cultural Coverage: Euro-American
Temporal coverage: 20th century CE
Language: English
Series 2 editor:

Table of Contents: Preface -- Introductory essay: The meeting of Buddhism and Western psychology / The Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche -- Pt. 1 Psychological implications of Pāli Buddhism : 1. Defense mechanisms according to psychoanalysis and the Pāli Nikāyas / Rune E. A. Johansson ; 2. Psychological observations on the "Life of the Gotama Buddha" / George R. Elder ; 3. The concept of Citta in some early Buddhist texts and Jung’s analytical psychology / Jan T. Ergardt ; 4. Mind/Cosmos Maps in the Pāli Nikāyas / Peter Masefield ; 5. The ideational content of the Buddha’s enlightenment as Selbstverwirklichung / Mukusen Miyuki ; 6. Emotions and therapy: Three paradigmatic zones / M.W. Padmasiri de Silva -- Pt. 2. Psychological implications of Japanese Buddhism : 7. Illusion and human suffering: a brief comparison of Horney’s ideas with Buddhistic understanding of mind / Akihisa Kondo; 8. The meaning of death in psychoanalysis, existential phenomenology and Dōgen Zen / Steve Heine ; 9. The human situation and Zen Buddhism / Richard J. DeMartino -- pt. 3. Psychological implications of Sanskrit Buddhism : 10. Prasaṅga and double-bind / Gustavo Banavides ; 11. Paratantra and parikalpita as epistemological concepts in Yogācāra Buddhism and Holographic psychology / Stephen Kaplan -- pt. 4. Psychological implications of Tibetan Buddhism : 13. Buddhist rDzogs-chen thought and Western "Daseinanalyse" / Herbert V. Guenther ; 14. On the phenomena of the "feminine" according to tantric hagiographical texts and Jungian psychology / Nathan Katz

ISBN/ISSN: 0877737584 (pbk.)
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Book (multiple authors)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-03-25 14:56:20
Date Record Checked: 2005-04-08
Date Last Modified: 2005-04-08 13:15:48
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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