Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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HMPAO-SPECT imaging during intense Tibetan Buddhist meditation
Using brain imaging techniques, investigators measured brain activity of an advanced Tibetan Buddhist meditator. The results showed an increase of blood flow during the peak of meditation to the left ...
Exaggerated heart rate oscillations during two meditation techniques
This experimental study looked at changes in the oscillation of heart rate of individuals doing Chinese Chi or Kundalini Yoga meditations. Heart rate oscillation during meditation was significantly gr...
Effect of Buddhist meditation on serum cortisol and total protein levels, blood pressure, pulse rate, lung volume and reaction time
This controlled study looked at the effects of a Buddhist meditation practice (called "Dhammakaya meditation") on measures of cortisol, serum protein levels, blood pressure, pulse rate, lung volume an...
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits : a meta-analysis
The authors perform a comprehensive meta-analysis based on an overview of 20 previous studies on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a meditation technique widely practiced in clinical settings...
Albert Ellis and the Buddha : rational soul mates? a comparison of rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and Zen Buddhism
Several types of cognitive therapy in use in modern clinical psychology draw their inspiration from the Buddhist tradition. Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), created by cognitive therapy pione...
Buddhism and western psychology
Buddhism and Western Psychology represents one of the early volumes to contain reflections on the interface between Buddhism and psychology from a diverse and expert group of Western Buddhist s...
Buddhist meditation and countertransference : a case study
Freud and a series of psychoanalysts who followed after him paid very little attention to the Buddhist practice of meditation or else offered radical interpretations of how meditation operated based o...
A glimpse of Zen practice within the realm of countertransference
Two psychoanalysts reflect on how their practice of Zen has affected their work as psychotherapists. They focus particularly on the realm of "countertransference," a term used to designate when the p...
Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on medical and premedical students
Investigators conducted an 8-week study to examine the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques on medical and premedical students using a controlled, statistical experimental d...
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and health-related quality of life in a heterogeneous patient population
This study examined the effects of an 8-week (20 min/day) mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program on health-related quality of life and both the psychological and physical symptomology of a ...
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