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Foundations of clinical logagogy
The meaning of the term "logagogy" is elucidated, and logagogic practices are outlined in the history of medicine. It is shown how the traditional medicine of India, Ayurveda, shows signs of logagogic...
Chaos and the way of Zen : psychiatric nursing and the 'uncertainty principle'
The biological sciences have been dominated by 'classicist' science-predicated on the post-Enlightenment belief that a real world exists, which behaves according to notions of causality and consistenc...
Killing, karma and caring : euthanasia in Buddhism and Christianity
In 1993 The Parliament of the World's Religions produced a declaration known as A Global Ethic which set out fundamental points of agreement on moral tissues between the religions of the world. Howeve...
Re-thinking nursing science through the understanding of Buddhism
Western thought has dominated scientific development for a long time, and nursing has not escaped the influence of such ideology. Nurse scholars, in an attempt to fit the dominant scientific ideology,...
The Tao, psychoanalysis and existential thought
The purpose of this paper is to clarify some existing misunderstandings in the area of psychotherapy, existential approach and the Eastern Tao (Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu) by show...
[Interrelations of Buddhism and classical Indian medicine]
In ancient India, two branches of knowledge are concerned with human suffering, trying to theoretically explain as well as to practically overcome its reasons: (practical) philosophy and medicine. In ...
Positive and 'negative' aspects of the 'altered states of consciousness' induced by autogenic training, Zen and yoga
As practices of altered states of consciousness (ASC) have become more widely used among psychotherapists who have become aware of the limitations of psychoanalytic, educational and behavioral approac...
Buddhism, euthanasia and the sanctity of life
Below is an author abstract of a response article to Damien and John Keown concerning Buddhist and Christian views on medical ethics, published in the same issue of issues of The Journal of Medical...
The last 48 hours of life : a case study of symptom control for a patient taking a Buddhist approach to dying
Caring for a patient dying of cancer can, at times, be extremely difficult. Sarah was 39 years old when she died, survived by her husband and two children aged 6 and 4 years. During the weeks leading ...
For Francisco Varela : explorer of the phenomenal world
Francisco Varela was an innovative thinker and researcher as well as a pioneer in the present dialog between science and Buddhism. In this essay, the author first speaks briefly about some of Francisc...
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