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Title: The positive psychology of Buddhism and yoga : paths to mature happiness : with a special application to handling anger
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Marvin Levine, 1928-

Description: Psychologist Marvin Levine draws from a wide variety of Buddhist and Indian yogic practices, stories, personal anecdotes, and psychology to highlight the similarities and congruencies between these areas for the purpose of advancing an approach toward optimal happiness. The final section of the book focuses particularly on anger from a variety of perspectives, such as how it is expressed, how it is represented in the nervous system, and how it can be counteracted. Book includes a general bibliography and two separate bibliographies on Buddhist and yogic resources. (Zach Rowinski 2004-05-26)

Publisher Place: Mahwah, New Jersey ; London
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers
Normalized publisher place: London
Mahwah, NJ
Publisher country: United States
United Kingdom
Publisher URL: http://www.erlbaum.com
Published Date: 2000
URL: https://www.erlbaum.com/shop/tek9.asp?pg=products&specific=0-8058-3833-3
Extent: xxiii, 226 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Subject: Meditation
Positive psychology
Hatha yoga
Yogic theory
Overcoming anger
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Positive Psychology
Cultural Coverage: United States
Temporal coverage: 20th century CE
21st century CE
Language: English

Table of Contents: Foreword ; Introduction -- Pt. 1. Buddhism : King Ashoka's question: what is your secret? ; Maturity and serenity ; The story of Siddhartha ; The Hindu context ; The core of the Buddha's teachings ; The noble truth of dukkha (suffering), part 1: suffering and transitoriness ; The noble truth of dukkha, part 2: caught in the causal matrix ; The noble truth of tanha (craving) ; The noble truth of nirvana (liberation), Part 1: conquer the beasts within ; The noble truth of nirvana, part 2: the nature of attachment ; The Buddha: the compassionate one ; Supermaturity ; Anatman reconsidered: you are not your mind ; The noble truth of magga (the path), part 1: wisdom and ethics ; The noble truth of magga, part 2: mental discipline ; Poetry interlude no. 1: transcending -- pt. 2. Yoga : Yoga and Buddhism ; I discover hatha yoga ; Savarasana ; The yogic state, part 1: immersion ; The yogic state, part 2: transforming judgment ; The yogic state, part 3: Life is where you find It ; Yogic theory: the unenlightened mind ; The eight angas, part 1: the practices ; The eight angas, part 2: the experiences ; Yogic theory: the enlightened mind ; Poetry interlude no. 2: prelude -- pt. 3. Extended supplements ; Buddhism, yoga, and western psychology ; Mindfulness and right thoughts ; Problem solving as compassionate action ; Empathic assertiveness as right speech ; Poetry interlude no. 3: the bequest -- pt. 4. Handling anger : The nature of anger ; anger: assumptions and levels of expression ; A schematic, physiological model ; General methods for decreasing anger ; Specific methods, part 1: right views of others ; Specific methods, part 2: changing one's own attitudes ; Specific methods, part 3: when anger occurs ; Afterword

ISBN/ISSN: 0805833498 (alk. paper) ; 0805838333 (pbk.)
LOC: 00022894
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Book (single author)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-05-26 13:01:24
Date Record Checked: 2004-05-26
Date Last Modified: 2005-12-20 17:18:00
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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