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Positive psychology : east and west
The author lauds the new field of positive psychology, but suggests that the efforts directed to this field not be too narrowly focused. Transpersonal and Eastern psychologies also have a body of know...
Authentic happiness : using the new positive psychology
Authentichappiness.org is a webpage devoted to the field of positive psychology and is associated with the book Authentic Happiness by psychologist Martin Seligman. The website offers a series ...
The positive psychology of Buddhism and yoga : paths to mature happiness : with a special application to handling anger
Psychologist Marvin Levine draws from a wide variety of Buddhist and Indian yogic practices, stories, personal anecdotes, and psychology to highlight the similarities and congruencies between these ar...
The Santa Barbara institute for the interdisciplinary study of consciousness
The aim of this institute is to explore consciousness and its relation to individual and collective well-being, as well as to pursue the study of consciousness in colloboration with the broader scient...
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