Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: Contributions to Nepalese Studies
Language of title: English
One Sentence Summary: A multidisciplinary journal of Tribhuvan University that publishes articles both in Nepali and English on Nepalese Studies.

Description: A multidisciplinary journal of Tribhuvan University that publishes articles both in Nepali and English on Nepalese Studies concerned with: art and archaeology, history, historical-cultural forms; religion; folk studies, social structure, national integration, ethnic studies, population dynamics, institutional processes, applied linguistics and sociolinguistic studies; the study of man, environment, development and geopolitical setting of the Indus-Brahmaputra regions. Articles, review articles and short reviews of latest book on Nepalese Studies are welcome from both Nepali and foreign contributors.

Publisher Place: Kirtipur, Nepal
Publisher: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies
Normalized publisher place: Kathmandu
Publisher country: Nepal
Publisher URL: http://www.cnastu.org.np/
URL: http://www.digitalhimalaya.com/collections/journals/contributions/index.php
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Journals -- Journals Focused on Regions -- Nepal -- Contributions to Nepalese Studies
Cultural Coverage: Nepal
Language: English
Start Date: 1973
Frequency of publication: Semi-annually
Submissions: A hard copy as well as diskette of manuscripts in Times New Roman font size of 12 should be submitted. The hard copy should be on A4 paper with a 4 cm margin on all four sides. Mailing and e-mail address should be included. For more information contact the editor at: Nirmal Man Tuladhar, Executive Director, Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University, P.O. Box 3757, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal, email: nirmal@vishnu.ccsl.com.np.
ISBN/ISSN: 03767574

Means of availability: By subscription and for sale at all good bookshops in Kathmandu and at the Centre for Nepalese and Asian Studies (CNAS) of Tribhuvan University in Kirtipur. Back issues are availible at www.digitalhimalaya.com.

Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Journal (academic)
Digital Encoding: pdf
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-12-19 13:55:21
Date Record Checked: 2005-12-19
Date Last Modified: 2005-12-19 15:11:37
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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