Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Formerly published under the title Himalayan Research Bulletin, this is an interdisciplinary and international journal of scholarly information regarding Nepal and adjacent Himalayan areas incl...
European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
A journal edited by a team from the Sudasien-Institut of Heidelberg University, the CNRS in Paris, and the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London. Its aim is to provide a f...
Contributions to Nepalese Studies
A multidisciplinary journal of Tribhuvan University that publishes articles both in Nepali and English on Nepalese Studies concerned with: art and archaeology, history, historical-cultural forms; reli...
Journal of the Nepal Research Centre
A journal of Nepalese studies devoted, in particular, to the study of the cultures and heritage of Nepal. The editorial board was formed in 1977 with the aim of republishing in the English language so...
Father Estevao Cacella's Report on Bhutan in 1627
Description to be added.
Mountain Research and Development
Mountain Research and Development (MRD) is the leading interdisciplinary journal specifically devoted to the world's mountain regions. It is a major platform of communication on mountains, emphasizing...
Journal of Nepalese Literature, Art and Culture
A journal devoted to Nepalese languages, literature, art, culture, society, history and other related fields.
Ancient Nepal
A journal devoted to pre-history and field-archaeology in the Himalayas. Special interests include epigraphy, manuscripts, numismatics, archives, art, anthropology, architecture and museum and other t...
Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies
An independent, interdisciplinary journal of Himalayan studies. The editorial board was formed in the summer of 1972 with the aim of giving the younger generation of scholars a chance to have their ma...
A rDzogs-chen buddhist interpretation of the sense of self
A rDzogs-chen (Tibetan Buddhist) interpretation of the sense of self is presented that is grounded in the disciplined method of shamatha-vipashyana meditation. This model of self/non-self agrees with ...
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