Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: Alan Wallace online
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Tarleton Design

Description: B. Alan Wallace is a Buddhist scholar with over 30 years experience in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. After being a monk for 14 years in India, Europe, and America, Dr. Wallace obtained a degree in physics and the philosophy of science from Amherst College, graduating summa cum laude and eventually obtained a PhD in Religious Studies from Stanford University. Dr. Wallace has frequently served as a translator for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and has been particularly involved in the Dalai Lama’s continuing discussions and collaborative research projects with Western physicists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and cognitive scientists. Alan is the author, translator, and editor of numerous books on the Tibetan contemplative tradition, the interdisciplinary study of the mind, and Tibetan medicine. He is also the founder and president of the Santa Barbara Institute. This website provides his biography, current itinerary, references and links to his writings and translations (including full length articles and essays). Also included are his curriculum vitae, photographs, and links to outside resources. (Zach Rowinski 2005-01-04)

Publisher: Self
Publisher country: United States
Published Date: 2003
URL: http://www.alanwallace.org
Subject: Tibetan medicine
Tibetan religion
Science of mind
Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Community – People and Organizations -- Personal Home Pages
Cultural Coverage: United States
Temporal coverage: 21st century CE
Language: English
Interface Language: English

Associated Information: Santa Barbara Institute

Format: Online resource
Media type: Image
Digital Encoding: html
Reader Rating: very useful
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-05-19 12:24:40
Date Record Checked: 2004-05-19
Date Last Modified: 2005-01-05 00:33:52
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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