Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: The Padma Translation Committee

Description: The Padma Translation Committee was founded in 1987 in order translate the Seven Treasuries (Mdzod-bdun) of Longchenpa (1308-1383). To date, the Padma Translation Committee, which currently consists of Chökyi, Susanne Fairclough, Lama Dorje (Jeff Miller), Lama Zangpo (Robert Racine), and Lama Tsultrim (Mary Racine), has produced two of the Seven Treasuries, as well as numerous sadhana texts, ritual liturgies, prayers, and other practice materials. It is expected that the next volume of the Seven Treasuries will be produced some time in 2004.

URL: http://users.snowcrest.net/chagdud/main/trans.htm
Subject: Literature in translation
Buddhist scriptures and teachings
Dharma center
Publishing house
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Philosophical Literature -- Tantric
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Tibetan Buddhist Sectarian Literature -- Nyingma (rnying ma)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Community – People and Organizations -- Translation Committees
Language: English
Resource Type: Announcement
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2003-11-09 12:37:49
Date Record Checked: 2003-11-09
Date Last Modified: 2004-06-09 10:02:16
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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