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The International Association for Ladakh Studies [announcement]
This announcement outlines the functions of the International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS) and its previous colloquia and publications. (Ben Deitle 2006-02-03)
Authentic happiness : using the new positive psychology
Authentichappiness.org is a webpage devoted to the field of positive psychology and is associated with the book Authentic Happiness by psychologist Martin Seligman. The website offers a series ...
Seminar of Young Tibetologists
Description to be added.
Functions and Activities of SRIT
Description to be added.
Functions and Activities of Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology
Description to be added.
Sikkim Research Insistitute of Tibetology Publications
Description to be added.
The international society for the study of subtle energies and energy medicine (ISSSEEM)
This is the website for the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM). The purpose of the institute is to explore the nature and use of the subtle energies f...
Albert Eliis Institute
Albert Ellis is the leading figure behind cognitive behavior therapy, a type of therapy that asks patients to confront their habitual ways of thinking to overcome a variety of emotional and cognitive ...
Degrees of Freedom
In this webcast, astrophysicist Piet Hut of the Institute for Advanced Study presents a model of knowledge based on the differing approaches and worldviews of scientific methodologies, the Western phe...
Meditation and the self regulation of learning : a link between health science and religion
Joseph Loizzo is a psychiatrist and a Ph.D in religious studies with a focus on Buddhism. In this lecture, he discusses meditation and its relation to health practice and research. He asks why meditat...
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