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Tibetan Buddhist Texts Download Site
Translations of key Nyingma works on exoteric and tantric Buddhism by Rime Lodro, Ph.D. Available for download from this site are translations of Longchenpa's Great Chariot, Mipham Rinpoche's The Swor...
The Padma Translation Committee
The Padma Translation Committee was founded in 1987 in order translate the Seven Treasuries (Mdzod-bdun) of Longchenpa (1308-1383). To date, the Padma Translation Committee, which currently consists o...
Ngag Mang Institute for Tantric Studies
The Ngag Mang Institute for the preservation, promotion, and study of lay tantric traditions is an exciting educational institute based in Amdo (Xining, Qinghai Province). (Jann Ronis 2003-11-10)
H.H. Dalai Lama: Instructions on the Garland of Views
This site contains downloadable audio files (MP3) format of H.H. the Dalai Lama's teachings on Padmasambhava's Garland of Views: Esoteric Instructions (Man ngag lta ba'i 'phreng ba). This text,...
Heritage Trust Publications
A group in Scotland devoted to translating esoteric Buddhist texts and producing transcripts of Buddhist teachings by contemporary lamas. The website contains lengthy transcripts of teachings on the ...
Index to Articles in the K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an (a Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet)
An index of articles in the Chinese Tibetological magazine K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an or "Hsik'ang-Tibet Research Monthly" published in China from 1946 to 1949. This periodical cover...
Shenpen Ösel Online Magazine
Shenpen Ösel is a tri-annual publication of Kagyu Shenpen Ösel Chöling (KSOC), a center for the study and practice of Tibetan vajrayana Buddhism located in Seattle, Washington. The magazine seeks ...
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The website for an exhibit entitled "The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Literature and Artwork on Prayer, Ritual, and Meditation from the Religious Traditions of Tibet, India, and Nepal (1998)." This e...
World View: Dedicated to the teaching, study and practice of authentic, accurate Tibetan Buddhism
The umbrella website for a small empire of dharma centers, Buddhist distance learning programs, text preservation projects, and publications. The profiles and descriptions of the teachers and activiti...
Padma Publishing
Padma Publishing is the multimedia publication and translation arm of a large Tibetan Buddhist community in the Americas, The Chagdud Gonpa Foundation. They have published many fine translation of Dzo...
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