Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: Homepage of Tulku Thondup

Description: Tulku Thondup is a scholar and prolific writer who has authored and translated numerous works on Tibetan Buddhism, particularly related to the Nyingma teachings. This site is intended to be a central repository of information on Tulku Thondup's writings, public appearances, and other projects. On these pages, you will find biographical information, upcoming appearances, descriptions of his books, and more.

Publisher: Self
URL: http://www.tulkuthondup.com/index.htm
Subject: Dharma center
Amdo (a mdo)
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Tibetan Literature -- Tibetan Buddhist Sectarian Literature -- Nyingma (rnying ma)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Community – People and Organizations -- Personal Home Pages
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Religion -- Buddhist Events (Ongoing and Upcoming)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Education Resources -- Religious Training
Language: English
Resource Type: Announcement
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2003-09-27 22:33:42
Date Record Checked: 2003-09-27
Date Last Modified: 2004-06-09 10:02:16
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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