Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The Tibetans
Intended for students and general readers, The Tibetans provides an in-depth survey of Tibetan political and religious history, society, arts, and literature. (Christopher Bell 2006-09-07)
Pilgrimage and Incest: The Case of Chorten Nyima (mchod rten nyi ma) on the Tibeto-Sikkimese Border
This article deals with a famous pilgrimage site, Chöten nyima (mchod rten nyi ma), near the border of Tibet and Sikkim known to purify misdeeds, especially those of incest and parricide. The author ...
Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet
Description to be added.
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