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Title: Manchu Patronage and Tibetan Buddhism During the First Half of the Ch'ing Dynasty
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Samuel M. Grupper
One Sentence Summary: A review article of Hans-Rainer Kämpfe, Ñi ma'i 'od zer/Naran-u gerel: Die Biographie des 2. Pekinger Lčaṅ skya-Qutuqtu Rol pa'i rdo rje (1717-1786) (Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abt. II, Bd. 1), Wissenschaftverlag, Sankt Augustin 1976) 109 pp., 181 plates.

Description: In this article Grupper argues that the monarchs of the nascent Manchu Ch'ing dynasty, particularly Nurhaci and Abahai, involved themselves with Tibetan Buddhist lamas not only as a means for winning favor of local rulers in Manchu efforts to consolidate authority in Mongol areas, but also as a deliberate act of political development which sought to utilize the Mongol-Sakyapa (sa skya pa) model of patron-lama government established by the Yüan dynasty. Moreover, it represented a sincere acceptance of Tibetan Buddhist ideals at the highest levels of the Manchu court. Grupper ties his argument in with a review of Hans-Rainer Kämpfe's study of a biography of Rölpé dorjé (rol pa'i rdo rje), the second Changkya (lcang skya) Qutuġtu at the Ch'ing court. In the life of Rölpé dorjé, Grupper notes, we see how the early predilection of Manchu rulers toward Tibetan Buddhism was continued and even developed in the middle Ch'ing dynasty period of the Ch'ien-lung Emperor. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-27)

Publisher Place: Bloomington
Publisher: The Tibet Society
Normalized publisher place: Bloomington, IN
Publisher country: United States
Published Date: 1984
URL: http://www.thlib.org/static/reprints/jts/JTS_04_02.pdf
Subject: Patron/Priest
Rölpé dorjé (rol pa'i rdo rje), Changkya (lcang skya) II, 1717-1786
Qing Taizong, Emperor of China, 1592-1643
Nu’erhachi, 1559-1626
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Journals -- Journals Focused on Regions -- Tibet -- Journal of the Tibet Society -- Vol. 4 (1984)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- History -- Tibet -- Sino-Tibetan Relations
Tibetan and Himalayan -- History -- Tibet -- Priest/Patron
Cultural Coverage: China
Temporal coverage: 17th century CE
18th century CE
Language: English
Source: The Journal of the Tibet Society
Source Editor: Christopher I. Beckwith, 1945-
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 4
Source Page Numbers: 47-75
Start Date: 1981
End Date: 1988
Frequency of publication: Annually
ISBN/ISSN: 7351364

Means of availability: Articles are available online within the Tibetan & Himalayan Library's bibliographic database.

Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Media type: Text
Resource Type: Article
Digital Encoding: pdf
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-12-15 17:11:53
Date Record Checked: 2006-01-30
Date Last Modified: 2006-04-03 16:06:09
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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