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Tibetan and Himalayan > Journals > Journals Focused on Regions > Nepal > Contributions to Nepalese Studies > (1998) Vol. 25, special issue

(13 resources)

Abstracts [of articles in the special issue of Contributions to Nepalese Studies "The Global Fertility Transition and Nepal"]
This is a compilation of short abstracts of each article of the special issue of Contributions to Nepalese Studies based on the conference on "Fertility Transition in Nepal: Changing Context an...
Determinants of Fertility in the 1970s and 1990s in Nepal
This article discusses some determinants of fertility decline in Nepal. Contraception, however, has a positive association. This could be due to the tendency for Nepali couples to use contraception o...
Fertility Transitions in Kathmandu
The article traces the onset of the fertility transition (a widespread trend in Asia) in Kathmandu. This paper analyses the onset of the fertility transition using data from a survey carried out in Ka...
Fertility Trends in Nepal, 1977-1995
The article presents estimates of fertility trends in Nepal for the period 1977-95, derived from two national surveys: the 1991 Nepal fertility, family planning, and health survey (NFFPHS) and the 199...
Moslem and Non-Moslem Fertility Differences in the Eastern Terai of Nepal
The article examines the effects of religious/ethnic differences, and other background variables such as the measure of women's autonomy, on reproductive behavior. The study is based on the data colle...
This is a message from the editor's desk on this special issue focusing on the study of fertility rates in Nepal. The editor takes an opportunity to thank all the author's of article and discusses the...
Regional Patterns of Fertility in Nepal
The article focuses on regional patterns of fertility and its implications and examines where significant change in fertility has taken place. Using eco-development regions as the units of analysis an...
Socioeconomic Changes, Women's Autonomy and Timing of First Birth in a Semi-urban Community in Nepal
The article discusses the socioeconomic changes, such as women's autonomy and the timing of the first birth, in a semi-urban community in Nepal. Based upon theoretical and empirical studies, the autho...
Tamang Transitions: Transformation in the Culture of Childbearing and Fertility among Nepal's Tamang
The article reviews significant findings from over 15 years of research on the culture of fertility and family transitions in two Tamang communities of Nepal. The data sources include both qualitative...
The Contextual Web of Fertility Control: A Case Study of Chisang Village
The article examines how various village and family/individual level factors have triggered measurable changes in reproductive attitudes and behaviour in Chisang, a village in the eastern Terai of Nep...
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