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Tibetan and Himalayan > Journals > Journals Focused on Regions > Nepal > Contributions to Nepalese Studies > (1978) Vol. 5, no. 2

(5 resources)

Cultural Repercussions of Childlessness and Low Fertility in Nepal
The article discusses childlessness in a Hindu context. A discussion of childlessness amounts to a discussion of an extreme - a negative end point in the spectrum of life's possibilities. The Brahman-...
First Annual Progress Report on Nepal's Small Farmers' Project
The article is a first annual progress report on Nepal's small farmers' project. In order to determine the problems of small farmers, His Majesty's Government of Nepal sponsored in cooperation with FA...
Mallakara in its Economic and Historical Perspective
The article discusses an ancient tax system called mallakara. Various types of taxes played a role in public finance in the ancient economy of Nepal. Taxes were levied on produce at the point of origi...
Preliminary Report on the Langtang Region
The article is a socio-cultural study of the Langtang region of Nepal. The brief survey of the Langtang region reveals that although the different population groupings living there share much in terms...
Sikkimakā Kājī Yuklā Thupako Nepālamā Śaraṇ
The article discusses the asylum taken by Sikkim's Kaji Yukla Thup in Nepal. The article discusses an old socio-cultural relationship between Nepal and Sikkim. The asylum of the Kaji Yukla Thup was gi...

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