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Tibetan and Himalayan > Journals > Journals Focused on Regions > Tibet > Bulletin of Tibetology > 2002, vol. 38, no. 2

(3 resources)

Brug shar phyogs pa'i gnyen lam brtsi stangs dang*/_bkra shis sgang phyogs kyi 'brog pa gnyen sbyor bya tshul lo rgyus mdor bsdus na gzhon pho mo'i rna ba'i dpyid du gyur pa'i gtam dri za'i gling bu zhe bya ba bzhugs so
This article is an ethnographic study of marriage among nomads of eastern Bhutan. The article is in Tibetan. (Ben Deitle 2006-02-17)
Kangchendzönga: Secular and Buddhist perceptions of the mountain deity of Sikkim among the Lhopos
This article is a study of the mountain deity of Kangchendzönga (gangs chen mdzod lnga) as an object of Buddhist veneration and also as a cult of a local mountain god. The study mainly focuses...
News from the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Gangtok, Sikkim
A summary of the functions of the Institute and of recent developments (as of November 2002) including the hiring of new staff, several new projects, and planned publications and events. (Ben Deitle 2...

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