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Intersubjectivity in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
This essay focuses on the theme of intersubjectivity, which is central to the entire Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It addresses the following five themes pertaining to Buddhist concepts of intersub...
The Buddhist tradition of samatha : methods for refining and examing consciousness
Samatha is a Buddhist meditative technique for the refinement of attention. Here, expert in the study and practice of samatha, B. Alan Wallace, outlines the nature and purpose of samatha, the various...
How to catch James' mystic germ : religious experience, Buddhist meditation, and psychology
Within The Varieties of Religious Experience lies the germ of a truly radical idea. It is that religious experience has something important and basic to contribute to the science of psychology...
Is causality circular? event structure in folk psychology, cognitive science and Buddhist logic
Using as a framework the logical treatment of causality in the Buddhist Madhyamika, a theory of the psychology of event coherence and causal connectedness is developed, and suggestive experimental evi...
Who will be the scientists? a review of B. Alan Wallace's 'The Taboo of Subjectvity' (pdf)
This article is a review of B. Alan Wallace's The Taboo of Subjectivity : Toward a New Science of Consciousness. Petranker tackles some of the more complex issues raised by Wallace such as whet...
Buddhism and brain science
Explanations of consciousness from both philosophy and cognitive science are traditionally conceived in terms of how an active self-consciousness relates to the various aspects of the world with which...
Who will be the scientists? a review of B. Alan Wallace's 'The Taboo of Subjectvity'
This article is a review of B. Alan Wallace's The Taboo of Subjectivity : Toward a New Science of Consciousness. Petranker tackles some of the more complex issues raised by Wallace such as whet...
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