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Title: The Buddhist tradition of samatha : methods for refining and examing consciousness
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: B. Alan Wallace

Description: Samatha is a Buddhist meditative technique for the refinement of attention. Here, expert in the study and practice of samatha, B. Alan Wallace, outlines the nature and purpose of samatha, the various techniques and approaches to the practice of samatha, a description of its progressive stages, and the alleged trait effects of the practice. He ends by offering comments on the future of contemplative practice for the study of consciousness. (Zach Rowinski 2005-03-05)

Publisher Place: Thorverton
Publisher: Imprint Academic
Normalized publisher place: Thorverton, UK
Publisher country: United Kingdom
Publisher URL: http://www.imprint.co.uk/jcs.html
Published Date: 1999
URL: http://alanwallace.org/Wallace-Samatha.pdf
Subject: Science
B. Alan Wallace
Meditation research
Science of mind
Cognitive science
Contemplative science
Śamatha (zhi gnas)
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Contemplative Practices -- Calm Abiding (zhi gnas, śamatha)
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Cognitive Science -- Consciousness Studies
Cultural Coverage: United States
Temporal coverage: 20th century CE
Language: English
Interface Language: English
Source: Journal of consciousness studies (JCS)
Source Editor: Joseph A. Goguen
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 6
Source Number: 2-3
Source Page Numbers: 175-187
Start Date: 1994
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Submissions: See website for submission policies and contact information.
ISBN/ISSN: 1355-8250

Means of availability: Articles in the Journal of Consciousness Studies are available by subscription in print and online. See website for different subscription options. The website features several full length articles for free.

Associated Information:

Wallace, B. Alan. The taboo of subjectivity : toward a new science of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.


Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Media type: Text
Resource Type: Article
Digital Encoding: pdf
Reader Rating: useful
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-03-05 12:27:01
Date Record Checked: 2004-05-18
Date Last Modified: 2005-12-20 18:58:05
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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