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THL Title Text
Title: Empathy and human experience
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Evan Thompson

Description: Philosopher of mind Evan Thompson provides a model for a methodologically and ethically mature science of consciousness using "first-person" (introspective) methods to understand the mind and human experience. He draws extensively on the Western phenomenological tradition and modern psychology to present four different ways about thinking of empathy and its relation to first-person, conscious experience. Empathy, he suggests, is a way for the third-person approach of the cognitive sciences to engage and collaborate with first- person, introspective methods for understanding consciousness. He also looks at Buddhist models of empathy based on a classic Buddhist text by the Indian saint Shantideva. This website includes photos of the event, a transcript of the lecture and panel discussion, and a webcast of lecture, peer-response, and discussion. (Zach Rowinski 2004-05-20)

Publisher Place: Santa Barbara, CA
Publisher: University of California, Santa Barbara
Normalized publisher place: Santa Barbara, CA
Publisher country: United States
Publisher URL: http://www.srhe.ucsb.edu
Published Date: 2002-02
URL: http://www.srhe.ucsb.edu/lectures/info/thompson.html
Subject: Science
Meditation research
Science of mind
University of California, Santa Barbara
Social sciences
Cognitive science
Contemplative science
Human experience
Buddhist psychology
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Related Humanities -- Philosophy -- Modern Philosophy -- Phenomenology
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Mahāyāna Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- Related Humanities -- Philosophy -- Philosophy of Mind
Cultural Coverage: United States
Temporal coverage: 21st century CE
Language: English
Interface Language: English
Series Title: Science, Religion, and the Human Experience

Means of availability: The video webcasts of the lecture, introductory remarks, peer-response, and panel discussion require RealPlayer.

Associated Information:

Varela, F., Thompson, E., Rosch, E. The embodied mind : cognitive science and human experience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991.

Information on the Science, Religion, and the Human Experience lectures series

Homepage of Evan Thompson

Format: Online resource
Media type: Video
Resource Type: Series
Digital Encoding: html
rm (ram)
Reader Rating: useful
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-05-20 11:29:01
Date Record Checked: 2004-05-18
Date Last Modified: 2006-01-09 11:37:08
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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