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Destructive emotions
This webcast presents some of the latest research findings on the effects of meditation on brain, body, and emotions based on several studies conducted by Richard Davidson, a professor of psychiatry a...
Science for monks
This website features an education initiative designed to introduce Tibetan monks to the fundamentals of science, particularly in the fields of physics, math, and genetics. The program organizes annua...
The quantum and the lotus : a journey to the frontiers where science and Buddhism meet
How did the universe begin? Can consciousness exist apart from the body? How is understanding the universe connected to happiness? Trinh Xuan Thuan, an astrophysicist and professor born in Vietnam, an...
This resource has a 1 star rating
Buddhism & science : breaking new ground
This volume contains contributions from prominent Buddhists, scholars, physicists, neurologists, and others on topics where Buddhism and the sciences share common ground. The book is divided into thre...
Intersubjectivity in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
This essay focuses on the theme of intersubjectivity, which is central to the entire Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It addresses the following five themes pertaining to Buddhist concepts of intersub...
Time in physics and Buddhism
An astrophysicists looks at the notion of time in physics. He notes how time moves forward and can not be reversed. He connects this to Ludwig Boltzmann's idea that entropy (the measure of disorder) m...
Home page of Victor Mansfield
Victor Mansfield is trained as an astrophysicist and is the author of numerous works on physics, Tibetan Buddhism, and Jungian psychology. His webpage includes information on his publications, full le...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Insight and Liberation in Nāgārjuna's Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
The article draws comparisons between Nāgārjuna's Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness and the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (Treatise on the Middle Way, MMK). (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-0...
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