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Heart Drops of Dharmakaya: Dzogchen Practice of the Bon Tradition by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen [review]
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Rewalsar: Tibetan Refugees In a Buddhist Sacred Place
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Training the Mind in the Great Way by Gyalwa Gendrun Druppa: First Dalai Lama, tr. Glenn Mullin [review]
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Reprint: A Dunhuang Manuscript on Vajrakīlaya
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A Dunhuang Manuscript on Vajrakilaya
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The Dance of the Guru's Eight Aspects
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The Byang-gter and Other Phur-pa Traditions: Reflections on Martin J. Boord's The Cult of the Deity Vajrakila, According to the Northern Treasures Tradition of Tibet (Byang-gter phur-ba) [review]
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The Case of the Shuffled Folios: First Steps in Critically Editing the Phur bu mya ngan las ’das pa’i rgyud chen po in the Rnying ma’i rgyud ’bum
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A Noble Noose of Methods, the Lotus Garland Synopsis: Methodological Issues in the Study of a Mahāyoga Text from Dunhuang
Creator's Description: The extraordinary Dunhuang manuscript IOL Tib J 321 is a Rnying ma tantra commentary in eighty-five folios, the Thabs kyi zhags pa padma ’phreng gi don bsdus pa’i ’...
Buddhism Through American Women's Eyes ed. Karma Lekshe Tsomo [review]
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