Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2008-03-13 13:42:13
Title: Buddhist Philosophy and Literature: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989, Volume 1
Language of title: English
Editor: Zuihō Yamaguchi
Shōren Ihara

Description: This is the first of two volumes of papers presented at the fifth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies held in Narita, Japan, in 1989. This volume contains a vast range of papers under the general topics of Buddhist philosophy and literature. (Ben Deitle 2006-03-10)

Publisher Place: Narita, Narita-shi, Chiba-ken
Publisher: Naritasan Shinshoji
Normalized publisher place: Narita
Publisher country: Japan
Published Date: 1992
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Multi-Author Edited Volumes -- Conference Proceedings -- Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (PIATS)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Multi-Author Edited Volumes -- Conference Proceedings -- Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (PIATS) -- PIATS 5 (1989)
Cultural Coverage: Tibet
Language: English
Series Title: Monograph Series of Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies Occasional Papers
Series editor: Shōren Ihara
Series volume: 2
Source: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Narita 1989
Source Type: Conference Proceedings
Source Volume: 2

Table of Contents: The History of Ancient Tibet According to the XVIIth Century Mongolian Chronicle Erdeni-yin Tobči by Saγang Sečen / Agata Bareja - - Three Thangkas from Chengde / Terese Tse Bartholomew - - Tibetan Spirit-Mediumship: Change and Continuity: Some Observations from a Revisit to Nepal / Per-Arne Berglie - - Christian Missionaries on the Tibetan Border: the Moravian Church in Poo (Kinnaur), 1865-1924 / John Bray - - Questions soulevées par la restauration de bSam yas / Katia Buffetrille - - A Religious Geography of Tibet According to the Bon Tradition / Krystyna Cech - - Aspects of the Social Organisation of Tibetan Pastoral Communities / Graham E. Clarke - - Some Remarks on a Tibetan-Newari Lexicon cum Phrase Book / Christoph Cüppers - - Lovanga [Lo 'bangs pa?] Lama and Lhaven [Lha bon]: Historical Background, Syncretism and Social Relevance of Relgious Traditions among the Khumbo (East Nepal) / Hildegard Diemberger - - Cosmogony as Presented in Tibetan Historical Literature and its Sources / Siglinde Dietz - - Tibetan Databank Management with Personal Computers / R. E. Emmerick - - Practice of Tibetan Medicine: Notes on Moxibustion (me btsa') / Elisabeth Finckh - - Ego-Psychology and the Problem of Ecstasy: A Case-study of a Tibetan Shaman / Antoon Geels - - Autobiography in Tibetan Religious Literature: Reflections on its Modes of Self-Presentation / Janet Gyatso - - Historic and Iconographic Aspects of the Protective Deities Srung-ma dmar-nag / Amy Heller - - Some 11th-Century Indian Buddhist Clay Tablets (tsha-tsha) from Central Tibet / Toni Huber - - National Library of Bhutan: Role and Function / Yoshiro Imaeda - - A Study of the Seals and Titles Conferred by the Dalai Lamas / Yumiko Ishihama - - Analyse du nouvel an populaire au Ladakh / Patrick Kaplanian - - A Pilgrimage to Kongpo Bon-ri / Samten G. Karmay - - A Chronology of the Ambans of Tibet Part I: The Ambans and Assistant Ambans in the Yongzheng and the Qianlong Period (1727-1795) / Josef Kolmaš - - The Princes of Gyantse and their Role as Builders and Patrons of Arts / Erberto Lo Bue - - The Rôle of the Smra sgo in the Tibetan Grammarians' Tradition / Roy Andrew Miller - - Two Minor Works Ascribed to dBus pa blo gsal / Katsumi Mimaki - - Tibet-Mongol relations at the time of the first Rje btsun dam pa Qutuγtu / Junko Miyawaki - - bKra shis sgo mang of Bhutan: On a Specific Tradition of Shrines and its Prolongation in the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) / Marceline de Montmollin - - A Proposal: Refinement of the Tibetan Language and Standardization of its Writing System / Ngawangthondup Narkyid - - Why Tibet Disappeared from "Scientific" 16th-17th Century European Maps / Braham Norwick - - The Third Dalai Lama and Altan Khan of the Tümed / Hidehiro Okada - - On the Basic Structure of the Potala Palace / Naoji Okuyama - - On the Narrative of the Killing of the Evil Yak and the Discovery of Salt in the Chos-'byung of Nyang-ral / Jampa L. Panglung - - Yüan Official Terms in Tibetan / Luciano Petech - - Les revenants de l'au-delà ('das log): sources littéraires et tradition vivante: Une première présentation / Françoise Pommaret-Imaeda - - Study of the Tibetan Collection in Buryatia / R. E. Pubaev - - Tibetan Art in a Museum Setting: Problems of Decontextualization and Recontextualization. The New Tibetan Galleries of The Newark Museum as a Case Study / Valrae Reynolds - - Reconstructing Old Tibetan / András Róna-Tas - - Some Notes on the Tibetan Amdo Love Songs / Donatella Rossi - - Ge sar of Ling: The Origins and Meaning of the East Tibetan Epic / Geoffrey Samuel - - Grib: On the Significance of the Term in a Socio-Religious Context / Christian Schicklgruber - - Tibetan Transcription of Tangut Script: The Problem of Prefixes / M. V. Sofronov - - Notes on References to 'Bri-Gung-pa-Mongol Contact in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries / Elliot Sperling - - Doila tamang et rites de mods: image des ancêtres à travers les textes rituels / Brigitte Steinmann - - On the Old Tibetan Sale Contracts / Tsuguhito Takeuchi - - History of the Gling-tshang Principality of Khams: A Preliminary Study / Tashi Tsering - - Notes on the Section of Law and State in the Chos-'byung of lDe'u / Helga Uebach - - A Ninth-Century Tibetan Summary of the Indo-Tibetan Model of Case-semantics / Pieter Cornelis Verhagen - - Ilagugsan Qutugtu: An Essay / Hiroshi Wakamatsu - - An Inquiry into Polo – Tibet's Contribution to the Athletic Sports / Yao Wang - - Ladakh's Trade Relations with Tibet under the Dogras / Kulbhushan Warikoo - - The Kṣa Final in the Viśvalocana Lexicon / Alex Wayman - - The Significance of Intercalary Constants in the Tibetan Calender and Historical Tables of Intercalary Months / Zuihō Yamaguchi.

Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2008-11-20 18:40:08
Date Record Checked: 2006-03-15
Date Last Modified: 2008-11-20 19:13:26
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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