Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Millenarianism in Tibetan Religion
The article looks at the psychological conditions that lend themselves to the creation of millenarian ideas, and investigates whether the Tibetan refugee situation has led to any millenarianism. (Mar...
An Early Tibetan Ritual: rkyal 'bud
The article outlines the procedure of an early Tibetan ritual which used a kyelbü (small bag or pouch). Because Buddhism prohibits animal and human sacrifice, the kyelbü becomes the object ...
On the Origin of the Tsha-gsur Ceremony
The article investigates the contested origin of of the Tsasur (tsha gsur) ceremony. The ceremonies are dedicated to local deities, demons, and low-ranking spirits. Although they are modeled on...
Belief in Karma and Its Social Ramifications in Saṁsāra
The article looks at the relationship between the Buddhist theory of karma-and-rebirth and saṁsāra (i.e. life as it is lived ordinarily). While some work has been done to look at the relationship...
The Rdzogs-chen in Its Earliest Text: A Manuscript from Tun-huang
This article investigates the origins of the Tibetan Buddhist doctrine of dzokchen (rdzogs chen). While both traditional accounts allow for an Indic origin, the article looks at a document from Tun-h...
Biographical Notes on Phyag-na rdo-rje (1239-1267) (abstract)
An abstract for a larger article, this source discusses the lack of biographical information available for Tibetan lay people. This lack results from the fact that Tibetan historiography deals primar...
An Analysis of Sino-Tibetan Relationships, 1245-1911: Imperial Power, Non-coercive Regime and Military Dependency
The article attempts to recharacterize the ideas of the Sino-Tibetan relationship. Recognizing the patron-priest paradigm as unsatisfactory, Dawa Norbu investigates how this classification requires a...
Ñag-roṅ mgon-po rnam-rgyal: A 19th Century Khams-pa Warrior
This article outlines biographical information on Nyarong Gönpo Namgyel and his military conquests. Tsering blames the Tibetan government for the death of Gönpo Namgyel and argues that his death de...
A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo
This article looks at the Künjé Gyelpö Do (kun byed rgyal po'i mdo), a tantric Buddhist text. This particular text stands out because its language and imagery are distinctly different from the majo...
The Tibetan Translation of the Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṁgīti (abstract)
The abstract outlines some of the processes by which Wayman created a new translation of the Litany of Names of Mañjuśrī (Mañjuśrīnāmasaṁgīti). This text is considered one of th...
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