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Passivization in Nepali
The article discusses passivization in the Nepali language. The rules of passivization as given by Sanskrit grammatical tradition and relational grammar are basically taken as theoretical frameworks f...
Investigation in Nepalese Female Personality
This article tries to assess the personality and action of Nepalese female students using a Uchida-Kraepelin standardized psycho-diagnostic test. Uchida defined personality as the blend of three facto...
Review of Pradymna P. Karan, Hiroshi Ishii and others, Nepal: A Himalayan Kingdom in Transition
This is a review by Dilli Ram Dahal of Pradymna P. Karan, Hiroshi Ishii, and others, Nepal: A Himalayan Kingdom in Transition.
Prācīn Nepāli Samājamā Nārīko Sthān: Licchavikālakā Abhilekh Niyāldā
The article traces the situation of women in ancient Nepal. The study is undertaken on the basis of Licchavi abhilekhs (inscriptions). It is believed the condition of women at that time was not great ...
Guru Dhanavajra Vajrācārya Prati Śraddhājalīko Rupmā Uhā̃kai 'Mallakālako Aitihāsik Sāmagrī: Dhar;pau'
The article is on historical material called "Dharpau" from the Malla period. The author studies this material with the inspiration and guidance of her teacher Dhanvajra Vajracharya. The article is de...
Ṭokhā: Eka Aitihāsik Carcā
The article gives an account of the history of Tokha. Tokha lies southwest of Shivapuri hill. It not only has cultural importance, but the history suggests the place played a role in a critical war si...
Contributions to Nepalese Studies Cumulative Index: 1986-1996
This is a cumulative index of the semi-annual journal Contributions to Nepalese studies published by the Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS) during the years 1986-1996.
Girl Child Marriage in Nepal: Its Prevalence and Correlates
The article discusses child marriage, which has existed from time immemorial in Nepal. The article tries to answer the questions - how prevalent is female child marriage in different parts of Nepal? A...
The Geo-demographic Context of Population Ageing in Nepal
The article studies the geo-demographic context of population aging in Nepal. Population aging is a worldwide and long-term trend. The size and proportion of aged have constantly increased over the la...
Deictic and Non-deictic Senses of Kin Terms in 'Dhoṅcolecā'
An article on the deictic and non-deictic senses of kin terms in Dhoncjolecha. It is an edited version of a paper originally published by Prem Bahadur Kansakar, 2023 BS in Nayanka Bakha. (Rajeev Ranja...
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