Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Some Inconsistencies of Colour Composition Techniques in Tibet
A brief survey of four Tibetan texts dealing with the mixing of colors for painting. The texts were written by Deumar Geshé Tendzin Puntsok (de’u dmar dge bshes bstan ’dzin phun tshogs, 1725-?), ...
Bod kyi kha dog gi bra ba skor gleng ba/_rig pra 'phrul gyi me long /
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The Rituals and their Origins in the Visionary Accounts of the Fifth Dalai Lama
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Buddhism and the State in Eighth Century Tibet
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Lhachö [Lha mchod] and Hrinän [Sri gnon]: The Structure and Diachrony of a Pair of Rituals
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The Ritual of Freeing Lives
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Coming into Existence: Bon Notions of Embryological Development
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Gshen rab mi bo che'i mdzad rnam bsdus ma'i skor gleng ba
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Bod kyi shes rig las 'byung ba'i skor rags tsam gleng ba
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Zhang bod kyi gso ba rig pa'i grol phugs 'bum bzhi dang rgyud bzhi'i skor la dpyad pa
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