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Two Asian psychologies and their implications for Western psychotherapists
In the past, mainstream Western mental health professionals tended to ignore or dismiss Asian psychologies. However, in recent years they have attracted increasing attention and growing evidence sugge...
Training psychotherapists in attributes of “mind” from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part I : core principles, emptiness, impermanence, and paradox
This paper outlines the principles of a conceptual foundation for an innovative approach to the training of the modern psychotherapist, using certain technical and philosophical percepts found in the ...
Current therapies and the ancient East
Current therapies, their theories and techniques ebb and flow in popularity, but there is a residue of basic principles and practices which remain. Much of this useful residue has been present in anci...
Psychotherapy in India : past, present, and future
If psychotherapy is defined as "interpersonal method of mitigating suffering" then many psychotherapeutic systems have existed in India a long time. Unlike Western systems, these have lacked a clinica...
Meditation, esoteric traditions--contributions to psychotherapy
This article is a brief introduction to several different Eastern systems of philosophy and therapy. It surveys the Buddhist contributions and several contemporary applications of traditional meditati...
Zazen and psychotherapeutic presence
Zen meditation, or zazen, has attracted the interest of many psychotherapists. The teachings and practices of the Soto Zen tradition are understood as encouraging important areas of both psychological...
Training psychotherapists in attributes of “mind” from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part II : attention, here and now, nonattachment, and compassion
Part II of this paper enumerates four additional attributes of mind derived from Zen that could enrich the training of a psychotherapist. These include: training and modulation of the therapist's atte...
Training psychotherapists in attributes of “mind” from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part II : attention, here and now, nonattachment, and compassion
Part II of this paper enumerates four additional attributes of mind derived from Zen that could enrich the training of a psychotherapist. These include: training and modulation of the therapist's atte...
Microgenesis and Buddhism: The Concept of Momentariness
Description to be added.
Reductionism versus holism : multiple models of the spiritual quest
The transfiguration of ontology through structural coupling, an autopoesis of ego and mediation, produces consequent large-scale changes in human culture. The Web is assuming the role of the collectiv...
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