Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The Shedra Studies Program of the Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Arguably the largest and best organized program in Asia for training non-Tibetans in Tibetan Buddhism and language. The Shedra is a multi-year residential program at the Ka-Nying She-drup Ling Monaste...
MA in Buddhist Studies at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies
The new SOAS MA in Buddhist Studies is the most extensive program of its kind in Europe. The MA Program offers sufficient breadth and depth to provide study pathways for students with a wide variety o...
Language and Study Abroad Programs
This site, part of the Tibetan & Himalayan Library, provides information on and links to Nepali and Tibetan language and cultural study programs in the US and Tibet, as well as a study program at Tibe...
Thösamling Institute Tibetan language course
A two-year language course in Dharamsala, India, that focusses on religious language and covers both spoken and written Tibetan. Tuition: 1100 euros/ year or the dollar equivalent. Contact information...
Tibetan and Himalayan Library
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is a large-scale international collaboration between various universities and other organizations around the world devoted to Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. It archiv...
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
The CIHTS was envisioned by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in consultation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and established in 1967. Its twofold mission is to educate Tibetan young adults and those from the H...
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
A major center in India for textual preservation of Tibetan literature and scriptures, and education in Tibetan language and Buddhism. The LTWA is also a publishing house and is best known for its Tib...
Map of monasteries in Kham, Eastern Tibet
Road map of the Ganzi and Dege (sde dge) regions of Kham (khams). It is centered around Kalsang Monastery in Nyarong. (Jann Ronis 2003-10-06)
U-W College Year in Nepal
The premiere undergraduate study abroad program for the Tibetan and Nepali languages. The one calendar year-long program begins in Madison with a 10-week summer language intensive in either Tibetan or...
Namgyal Institute of Tibetology
A multifaceted educational and cultural center dedicated to the history and religion of Sikkim, formerly a Himalayan Buddhist kingdom and now part of India. The institute is being newly reconstituted ...
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