Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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チベット語辞典. 草稿本 (Chibettogo Jiten. Sokohon)
A Tibetan-Sanskrit-Chinese-Japanese dictionary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Bon-Zo-Kan-Wa shiyaku taiko: Honyaku myogi taishu
A Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Sakaki’s edition of the Mahavyutapatti. Reprinted with the addition of a Sanskrit index compiled by Sakaki. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2...
Pentaglot Dictionary of Buddhist Terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian, and Chinese
An abridged and re-arranged version of Mahāvyutpatti. A Sanskrit-Tibetan-Manchurian-Mongolian-Chinese dictionary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-0...
Gem Collected English-Tibetan-Hindi-Sanskrit Dictionary
An English-Hindi-Sanskrit-Tibetan dictionary. This work is a compilation of materials from Bhattacharya’s Bhoṭa-prkāśa and an earlier dictionary by Tharchin. (Michael Walter and Manfred...
Indices verborum Sanscrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanscrit to the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti and the Nyāyabinduṭīkā of Dharmottara
A two volume set of Sanskrit-Tibetan and Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaries. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
A Tibetan-Sanskrit-English dictionary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03) Located both in stacks and reference. A more recent version in one volume exi...
Bon-Zo-Kan-Wa shiyaku taiko: Honyaku myogi taishu
A Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Sakaki’s edition of the Mahavyutapatti. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Mahāvyutpatti: Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary
A Sanskrit-Tibetan-English vocabulary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Buddhistische Triglotte, d.h. Sanskrit-Tibetisch-Mongolisches Wörterverzeichniss, gedruckt mit den aus dem Nachlass des Baron Schilling von Canstadt stammenden Holztafeln und mit einem kurzen Vorwort versehen
A Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian version of the Mahāvyutpatti in five languages. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Mahāvyutpatti. Dictionnaire Bouddhique Tétraglotte, copié sur le Manuscrit no. 25147 de l’univerité de St. Pétersbourg.
A Sanskrit-Mongolian-Chinese-Tibetan dictionary. Foucaux copied the Sanskrit and Tibetan, Julien the Mongol and Chinese. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-0...
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