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Ecological Constraints on Trans-Himalayan Trade in Nepal
The article discusses the ecological constraints on trans-Himalayan trade in Nepal. It discusses the primary trade route where main markets and entrepots are interconnected. One such route is the rout...
High Altitude Animal Husbandry and the Thakalis of Thak Khola: Biology and Trade in the Himalays
The article discusses high altitude animal husbandry. A successful system of animal husbandry is a critical element in maintaining a successful trading system in an area with poor transportation such ...
Review of Christoph Von Fűrer-Haimendorf, Himalayan Traders: Life in Highland Nepal
This is a review by A. E. Manzardo of Christoph Von Fűrer-Haimendorf, Himalayan Traders: Life in Highland Nepal.
Cost-Cutting, Caste and Community: A Look at Thakali Social Reform in Pokhara
The article sheds light on the Thakalis' social reform in Pokhara, Nepal. It starts with a survey of Bista's work and many recent articles. Though their population is relatively small, the Thakalis' e...
Review of Jiro Kawakita, The Hill Magars and Their Neighbors: Hill Peoples Surrounding the Ganges Plain
A short review of Jiro Kawakita, The Hill Magars and Their Neighbors: Hill Peoples Surrounding the Ganges Plain.
Impression Management and Economic Growth: The Case of the Thakalis of Dhaulagiri Zone
Description to be added.
Ritual Practice and Group Maintenance in the Thakali of Central Nepal
Manzardo attributes the economic success of the Thakalis' in Nepal to their techniques of impression management, adapting their image to work to their advantage in specific political and economic situ...
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