Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of Per Kværne, An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs: A Stuy of Cāryagīti
A short review of Per Kværne, An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs: A Stuy of Cāryagīti.
Review of Loden Sherab Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art
A short review of Loden Sherab Dagyab, Tibetan Religious Art.
Review of Martin Brauen and Per Kværne, ed. Tibetan Studies at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Zurich, June 26-July 1, 1977
A short review of Martin Brauen and Per Kværne, ed. Tibetan Studies at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Zurich, June 26-July 1, 1977.
Review of Mireille Helffer, Les Chants dans l'Épopée Tibetaine de Se-sar d'Aprés le Livre là de la Course de Cheval
A short review of Mireille Helffer, Les Chants dans l'Épopée Tibetaine de Se-sar d'Aprés le Livre là de la Course de Cheval.
Review of Charles S. Prebish, ed., Buddhism in Modern Perspective
A short review of Charles S. Prebish, ed., Buddhism in Modern Perspective.
A Nepalese Copper-plate from the Time of Prithvinarayan's Father
A short study of a copper plate (tāmā patra) photographed at a bazaar in Bodhnath, Kathmandu in February, 1962. (Mark Turin 2004-04-01)
Points of View on Halase: A Holy Place in East Nepal
Description to be added.
Contributions to the Anthropology of Nepal
This is a review by A. W. Macdonald of Contributions to Anthropology of Nepal, edited by Ch. Von Furer-Haimendorf
Review of Siegfied Lienhard, Navārīgītimañjarī, Religious and Secular Poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley
This is a review by A. W. Macdonald of Siegfied Lienhard, Navārīgītimañjarī, Religious and Secular Poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley.
Review of K. R. Van Kooij, Worship of the Goddess According to the Kālikāpurāṇa
This is a review by A. W. Macdonald of K. R. Van Kooij, Worship of the Goddess According to the Kālikāpurāṇa.
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