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bod dbyin tshig mdzod chen mo/
This is an English translation of the most extensive and important Tibetan-Tibetan or Tibetan-Chinese dictionary in the world.
བརྡ་དག་མིང་ཚིག་གསལ་བ། (brda dag ming tshig gsal ba/)
One of the best monolinguals available. It is larger than most others, its format makes for more efficient use (a Western-style arrangement in columns, with entries clearly written), and it contains ...
བོད་ཀྱི་སྲོལ་རྒྱུན་རིག་གནས་དང་དེང་དུས་ཀྱི་ཁོར་ཡུག་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ། (bod kyi srol rgyun rig gnas dang deng dus kyi khor yug srung skyob/)
A Tibetan language book describing Tibetan cultural traditions and attempts toward conservation of the Tibetan environment.
སྨན་པ་མེད་སའི་སྨན་བཅོས་ལག་དེབ། (sman pa med sa'i sman bcos lag deb/)
A Tibetan translation of the English work, Where There is No Doctor. This is a handbook which gives general medical advice for those in developing nations.
ཡིག་ཤེས་བྱ་རབ་གསལ། (yig shes bya rab gsal/)
A Tibetan-Tibetan dictionary, in alphabetical order. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
English-Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary
An English-Tibetan-Chinese dictionary with more than 15,000 entries. This work is based on Hornby’s Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by...
བོད་ཀྱི་སྐད་ལས་གསར་རྙིང་གི་བརྡའི་ཁྱད་པ་སྟོན་པ་ལེགས་པར་བཤད་པ་ལི་ཤིའི་གུར་ཁང་། (bod kyi skad las gsar rnying gi brda’i khyad pa ston pa legs par bshad pa li shi’i gur khang /)
A Tibetan-Tibetan grammatical treatise written in 1536. Ca. 15 folios. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
བོད་ཀྱི་སྐད་ལས་གསར་རྙིང་གི་བརྡའི་ཁྱད་པ་སྟོན་པ་ལེགས་པར་བཤད་པ་ལི་ཤིའི་གུར་ཁང་། (bod kyi skad las gsar rnying gi brda'i khyad pa ston pa legs par bshad pa li shi'i gur khang /)
A Tibetan-Tibetan grammatical treatise written in 1536. Ca. 15 folios. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
འཁྲུངས་དཔེ་དྲི་མེད་ཤེལ་གྱི་མེ་ལོང་། ('khrungs dpe dri med shel gyi me long /)
A big book of Tibetan language info about medicinal substances, with Chinese and Latin indexes, and with 861 good color photos of substances. (Frances Garrett 2003-01)
This resource has a 5 star rating
བོད་རྒྱ་ཚིག་མཛོད་ཆེན་མོ། (bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo/)
This is the most extensive and important Tibetan-Tibetan and Tibetan-Chinese dictionary in the world. The two-volume and three-volume editions have some content discrepancies. This is a huge dictiona...
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