Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: Palyul Ling International Buddhist Centers
Alternate title: Palyul Ling, a Nyingmapa Center of Tibetan Buddhism

Description: The homepage for a dynamic international organization of monasteries, retreat centers, and dharma centers. The "mother monasteries" for this community are jointly in Tibet (Kham) and India, from which teachers travel around the world to centers in North America, East and South East Asia, and Europe. This website contains richly illustrated descriptions about its monasteries and seminaries in Tibet and india.

Publisher: Self
URL: http://palyul.org/
Subject: Buddhist scriptures and teachings
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Community – People and Organizations -- Institutions -- Religious Centers
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Religion
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Education Resources -- Religious Training
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Community – People and Organizations -- Rosters of People and Organizations
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2003-08-10 12:18:02
Date Record Checked: 2003-08-10
Date Last Modified: 2004-06-09 10:02:15
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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