Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Title: Tibetan Buddhism and the resolution of grief : the bardo-thodol for the dying and the grieving
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: R. E. Goss
D. Klass

Description: This article is a contribution to the cross-cultural study of grief. The Bardo-thodol (sometimes translated the Tibetan Book of the Dead) and the ritual associated with it provides a way to understand how Buddhism in Tibetan culture manages the issues associated with what is called grief in Western psychology. The resolution of grief in the survivors is intertwined with the journey to rebirth of the deceased. The present article describes (a) the progression of the deceased, (b) the rituals by which survivors separate from the physical incarnation of the deceased, (c) how, by channeling the feelings of grief to support the progress of the deceased, grief is brought to a positive resolution, and (d) the continuing bond survivors maintain with the dead even though the dead has moved on to the next life.

Publisher Place: Washington D.C.
Publisher: Brunner-Routledge
Hemisphere Pub. Corp.
Normalized publisher place: Washington, D.C.
Publisher country: United States
Publisher URL: http://www.taylorandfrancisgroup.com/
Published Date: 1997
Subject: Tibetan Book of the Dead
Dying process
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Death and Dying
Buddhism and Science -- Medicine -- International Medicine -- Death and Dying
Cultural Coverage: Tibet
United States
Temporal coverage: 20th century CE
Language: English
Series 2 editor:
Source URL: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/07481187.asp
Source: Death studies
Source Editor: R.A. Neimeyer
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 21
Source Number: 4
Source Page Numbers: 377-395
Start Date: 1985
Frequency of publication: More than four times a year
Submissions: See the journal's webpage for author instructions.
ISBN/ISSN: 0748-1187
Location and access number: 10170479

Means of availability: Articles from the journal Death studies are available in print and online. Check publisher's site or check with library for subscription.

Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Article
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-03-25 11:06:22
Date Last Modified: 2008-01-23 16:58:39
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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