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Tibetan and Himalayan > Journals > Journals Focused on Regions > Tibet > JIATS > Issue 2 (August 2006)

(15 resources)

A Critical Edition of the Guidebook to Lapchi (La phyi gnas yig)
An introduction by Toni Huber to Tendzin Chökyi Lodrö’s Guidebook to Laphyi (La phyi gnas yig) and Huber’s critical edition of the text. (Steven Weinberger 2006-12-19)
A Note from the Editor of the Current Issue
The introductory notes to the second issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS) published in August, 2006, by its editor, David Germano. (Than Garso...
A Partial Genealogy of the Lifestory of Ye shes mtsho rgyal
Creator’s Description: this essay surveys the sources for the lifestory of Ye shes mtsho rgyal, also known as Mkhar chen bza’. It considers references to such a figure in works from Chro...
Desperately Seeking Capuchins: Manoel Freyre’s Report on the Tibets and their Routes (Tibetorum ac eorum Relatio Viarum) and the Desideri Mission to Tibet
Creator’s Description: This paper contains the first complete translation of the Portugese Jesuit Manoel Freyre’s 1717 confidential report on his journey to Tibet as the companion of the fa...
Hwa shang at the Border: Transformations of History and Reconstructions of Identity in Modern A mdo
Creator's Description: This article looks at local ritual, and other, transformations in the shifting meanings of a well-known Sino-Tibetan historical figure known as Hwa shang in the context o...
News for JIATS Issue 2, August 2006
News, JIATS issue 2. (Steven Weinberger 2006-12-19)
On the Composition and Printings of the Deb gter sngon po
Creator’s Description: The present article seeks to place the famous Deb ther sngon po in the context of fifteenth-century Tibetan intellectual history and the life of ’Gos lo tsā b...
Review of Alexander Studholme, The Origins of Oṁ Maṇipadme Hūṁ
Bryan Phillips provides an in-depth review of Alexander Studholme’s The Origins of Oṁ Maṇipadme Hūṁ. (Ben Deitle 2006-08-09)
Review of Fabienne Jagou, Le 9e Panchen Lama (1883-1937): Enjeu des relations Sino-Tibetaines
Gray Tuttle provides an in-depth review of Fabienne Jagou’s Le 9e Panchen Lama (1883-1937): Enjeu des relations Sino-Tibetaines. (Ben Deitle 2006-08-01)
Review of Kiela Diehl, Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community
Stacey Van Vleet provides an in-depth review of Kiela Diehl’s Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community. (Ben Deitle 2006-08-01)
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