Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of M. Sivasankarsinha and P. Gunanand, History of Nepal
A short review of M. Sivasankarsinha and P. Gunanand, History of Nepal.
Review of PINES – Academic and Cultural Quarterly, vol. 1, part 1
A short review of PINES – Academic and Cultural Quarterly, vol. 1, part 1.
Review of Colonel Kirkpatrick, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, and Francis Buchanan Hamilton, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal
A short review of Colonel Kirkpatrick, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, and Francis Buchanan Hamilton, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal.
Review of S. C. Das, An Introduction to the Grammer of the Tibetan Language
A short review of S. C. Das, An Introduction to the Grammer of the Tibetan Language.
Review of Theodore Riccardi, Jr., A Nepalese Version of the Vetālapañcāvimśati
A short review of Theodore Riccardi, Jr., A Nepalese Version of the Vetālapañcāvimśati.
Review of Harinandan Thākur, Nepāl: Des aur Samskṛiti
A short review of Harinandan Thākur, Nepāl: Des aur Samskṛiti.
The Anthropology of the Tharus: An Annoted Bibliography
Description to be added.
The Tibetan Medical Tradition, and Tibetan Approaches to Healing in the Contemporary World
Description to be added.
Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet
Description to be added.
The Badi: Prostitution as a Social Norm among an Untouchable Caste of West Nepal
Description to be added.
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