Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Search Results

Slave Trade on the Indo-Nepal Border in the Nineteenth Century
A report on Nepalese opposition to Indian and European slave trade in the 18th through the 20th century. (Mark Turin 2004-05-03)
Mantras on the Prayer Flag
This short translation provides brief explanations of the mantras and images on a prayer flag. (Ben Deitle 2005-12-13)
Review of M. Alemchiba Ao, A Brief Historical Account of Nagaland
A short review of M. Alemchiba Ao, A Brief Historical Account of Nagaland.
Buddhist Tantric Medicine Theory on Behalf of Oneself and Others
Data on tantric medicine rituals among Tibetan Buddhists as a healing practice through elimination of lust, hatred, and delusion. (Mark Turin 2004-05-03)
Recently Discovered Inscriptions of Licchavi Nepal
A dicussion of ten recently discovered examples of Licchavi inscriptions from A.D. 300-850 in Nepal. (Mark Turin 2004-05-03)
Five Nyingmapa Lamas in Sikkim
Interviews with the following five lamas: The Ven. Choda Lama, The Lingdok Gomchen, Dodrup Chen Rimpoche, Khempo Dazar, and Khempo Thupten with His Pupil Dzogchen Pema Rinzing. (Mark Turin 2004-04-28)
A Note on a Nepalese Image of Surya-Nārāyana
A short discussion of anthropomorphic and symbolic aspects of a Nepalese sculpture. (Mark Turin 2004-05-03)
Review of Satyendra Nath Barkataki, Tribal Folk-tales of Assam
A short review of Satyendra Nath Barkataki, Tribal Folk-tales of Assam.
Review of Pratapaditya Pal, Vaiṣnava Iconology of Nepal
A short review of Pratapaditya Pal, Vaiṣnava Iconology of Nepal.
Review of Rajendralala Mitra, The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal
A short review of Rajendralala Mitra, The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal.
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