Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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A Mahāyānist Rewriting of the History of China by Mgon po skyabs in the Rgya nag chos ’byung
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The Lives and Time of ’Jam dbyangs bzhad pa
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Bdud ’dul rdo rje (1615-1672) and Rnying ma Adaptations to the Era of the Fifth Dalai Lama
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Ritual, Festival, and Authority under the Fifth Dalai Lama
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Ban de skya min ser min: Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho’s Complex, Confused, and Confusing Relationship with Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho as Portrayed in the Tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho’i mgul glu
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Pure-Lands and other Visions in Seventeenth-Century Tibet: A Gnam chos sādhana for the Pure-land Sukhāvatī Revealed in 1658 by Gnam chos Mi ’gyur rdo rje (1645-1667)
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Recreating the Rnying ma School: The Mdo dbang Tradition of Smin grol gling
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Imperial Stooge or Emissary to the Dge lugs Throne? Rethinking the Biographies of the Chankya Rolpé Dorjé
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Royal Blood and Political Power: Contrasting Allegiances in the Memoirs of Yol mo Bstan ’dzin nor bu (1598-1644)
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Ippolito Desideri, S.J. on Padmasambhava’s Prophecies and the Persecution of the Rnying ma, 1717-1720
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