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A Pilgrim's Guide to the Hidden Land of Sikkim Proclaimed as a Treasure by Rig 'dzin rgod kyi ldem 'phru can
This is an English translation of the treasure text (gter ma) Rdo rje nyi ma’i gnas yig gsang ba’i dkar chag. The text gives fantastic accounts of the creation of the sacred sites in...
Secularism and the Buddhist Monastery of Pemayangtse in Sikkim
This article is an in-depth study of the Pemayangtse (pad ma yang rtse) monastery in Sikkim. It explores the historical relationship between the monastery and the religious monarchy of Sikkim. ...
Review of Khenpo Lha Tshering, A Saga of Sikkim's supremely revered four pioneer Nyingmapa reincarnates and their torchbearers (mKha' spyod 'Bras mo ljongs kyi gtsug nor sprul pa'i rnal 'byor mched bzhi brgyud 'dzin dang bcas pa'i byung ba brjod pa)
A review by Françoise Pommaret of Khenpo Lha Tshering, A Saga of Sikkim's supremely revered four pioneer Nyingmapa reincarnates and their torchbearers (mKha' spyod 'Bras mo ljongs kyi...
Sbas yul 'bras mo ljongs: the Hidden Valley of Sikkim
This is an account of Sikkim as a hidden land (sbas yul) compiled from Tibetan source materials and translated into English. It explains some of the religious history of Sikkim (’bras mo l...
Praise to the Lineage of H.E. Yangthang Rinpoche: mDo mang gter ston of Kham
This piece, in Tibetan, is a praise in verse to the lineage teachers of the author, Gos Pema Gyaltsen ('gos padma rgyal mtshan), written in 1991. Gos Pema Gyaltsen's teacher, Yangthang Rinpoch...
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