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Preliminary Remarks on the Manuscripts of Gnas gsar dgon pa in Northern Dolpo (Nepal)
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From Archaeological Discovery to Text Analysis: the Khor chags Monastery Findings and the Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti Fragment
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The Documentation, Archiving, and Dissemination of Visual Resources: An Introduction to the Western Himalaya Archive Vienna
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Ke ru lha khang: Cultural Preservation and Interdisciplinary Research in Central Tibet
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Fragments of pramāṇa Texts Preserved in Tabo Monastery
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The Rnal ’byor chen po bsgom pa’i don Manuscript of the ‘Gondhla Kanjur’
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Reflections on the Contribution of Art History to Transdisciplinary Research in Vienna: The Example of the Nako Sacred Compound
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Introduction: Trans-disciplinary Research in the Western Himalayas
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Interview with Pema Bhum: Tibetan Literature and the Latse Tibetan Library
Description to be added.
Text, Image, and Song in Transdisciplinary Dialogue. PIATS 2003: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Volume 7.
Publisher’s Description: The papers in this volume all result from field work in the Indian Himalayas and the TAR conducted by the Interdisciplinary Research Unit, Austrian Science Fund. Whil...
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