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A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa
In this article, Wayman compares two Tibetan words, bsgom pa and goms pa. While the two terms have similar meanings in some contexts, they are not always interchangeable. Wayman looks at...
Review of K. Jetmar, The Religions of the Hindukush. Vol. I. The Religion of the Kafirs
A review by Per Kværne of Karl Jetmar, The Religions of the Hindukush. Vol. I. The Religion of the Kafirs.
Rejoinder to Jeffrey Hopkins
This article is a respone by Alex Wayman to Jeffrey Hopkin's piece 'Reply to Alex Wayman's Review of The Yoga of Tibet' printed in volume 5 of The Journal of the Tibet Society. The original review of ...
Review of J. Chalon, Le lumineux destin d'Alexandra David Néel
A review by Braham Norwick of J. Chalon, Le lumineux destin d'Alexandra David Néel.
Reply to Alex Wayman's Review of The Yoga of Tibet
This piece is a response to a review by Alex Wayman, 'Review of J. Hopkins, The Yoga of Tibet. The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra – 2 and 3, by Tsong-ka-pa,' which was published in volume ...
Dgra-lha: a Re-examination
In this brief communication Gibson investigates the Tibetan term dgra lha, which commonly refers to a particular type of deity. He argues that the term may actually have its roots in another te...
The White and Red Rong-btsan of Matho Monastery (Ladakh)
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Review of W. Friedl, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und materielle Kultur in Zanskar (Ladakh)
A review by Eva K. Dargyay of W. Friedl, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und materielle Kultur in Zanskar (Ladakh).
Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 5
This is the fifth issue of the Journal of the Tibet Society, published in 1985. Edited by Elliot Sperling, the issue features articles by Michael M. Broido, Eva K. Dargyay, and Todd Gibson, as well as...
A Propos de Mme Ariane Macdonald, "Une Lecture des P. T. 1286, 1287, 1038, 1047 et 1290. Essai sur la Formation et l'Emploi des Mythes Politiques dans la Religion Royale de Sroṅ-bcan Sgam-po" (Etudes Tibétaines Dédiées à la Mémoire de Marcelle Lalou, (Paris, 1971, pp. 190-391).
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